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mizoram bg railway line bridge

mizoram bg railway line bridge
  • Mizoram.
  • BG Railway line from Bairabi to Sairang section at Mizoram.
  • Completed
  • Rs.88.5 Crores
  • Scope of Work : Construction of sub-structure over pile foundation for Major Bridges No. 32 (4 X 30.5m Composite Girder) at Ch. 11.770 KM, construction of counterfort return wall over pile foundation between Ch. 11560 to 11760m & Ch 9550 to 9750 m and other ancillary works in between station Bairabi & Hortoki.
    Construction of sub-structure over pile foundation for Major Bridge No. 67(span 10×30.5m Composite Girder) at Ch. 22.667 KM, Major Bridge no. 80 (span 5×24.4, composite girder) at Ch. 28.584km & Major Bridge No. 85 (span 4×24.4m composite girder) at Ch. 29.154km including protection works and other ancillary works in between station Bairabi & Sairang in connection with the construction of new BG Railway line from Bairabi to Sairang (Mizoram).